Saturday, January 5, 2008

trip to perpustakaan nasional *REVIEW

03 januari 2008 and 04 januari 2008

huaaa hari itu sebenernya gw udah mulai kuliah, hari pertama semester padat gw. tapi entahlah, rasa malas masi bergairah, makin menjadi2. ckck. pagi-pagi hujaan, akirnya disiang hari gw memustuskan untuk menemani cwo gw ke PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL. haha, national library, katanya dya mau nyari bahan buat bikin skripsi nya..

jauh ternyata di daerah salemba. kirain tempatnya kecil. eh buset dah, gede amat.. ckckck kaya orang nora gw. baru pertama kali kesana, ternyata ada 7lantai. dan kita harus bikin kartu anggota dulu baru bisa minjem buku. and i have one, ahahaha. tapi sekali pinjem buku cuma boleh 3biji doang maksimal.

naik ke lantai 2, nyari kategori bukunya. nyari di kom bisa, tapi lebih lengkap nyari manual. ribetnya setengah mampus.. banyak beneeeer laci-laci nya.

naik ke lantai 3, ngasi kertas yg bukunya mau di pinjem. nunggu dulu, trus ntr namanya di panggil deh.. gw kiraim disana bakalan sepi. ternyata rame bgt lho, banyak anak2 sma juga yg lagi belajar kelompok. pasti tuh anak2 pinter deh, i bet ! haha.

selesai juga trip gw karna perpus nya tutup jam 3 sore.
sempet foto2 dulu, ya maklum karna gw nora.. haha

05 JANUARI 2008

Yuhuu nice. clear air in the morning. then the afternoon began to descend rain. today on Saturday night i said "yes, meet my bofriend at saturday nite". hehe. true at night only the road, ate in waroeng steak , but im very happy.

listen to mustang (88,0) in the car, on Saturday nite meant the love song.. ahaha.
The atmosphere then heated up romantic, haaa.

Suddenly the musical wave of KCI & JOJO - ALL MY LIFE

then changed the look to my bf, we look at together. and not shy singing loudly

And all my life
I apostr ve prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life
I apostr ve prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

also the hoarse voice shrill, no probelmo. the important things is the moment. moreover many stars again outside there ( apa juga hub nya ama ada bintang? )

After that was followed the second song, NIDJI - YOU AND I. in fact the just normally. but we look-view again and was not reluctant to sing.

kau dan aku selalu
untuk selamanya
kau dan aku selalu
untuk bersama

Yes, on Saturday night simple that was beautiful..

Special thanx to mustang (88,0). made my Saturday night wa romantic. tailah. haha but,im very happy..

PS: to my boyfriend, thanks for the wonderfull day.. i love u darl

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